This also fixes banner in menus so they don't abruptly cut off when playing in widescreen. Widescreen Assets - Readjusts and crops the original 4:3 GUI assets to properly fit in 16:9 instead of stretching them.EggRobo Texture Fix - Fixes a texture error where EggRobo's gun shows part of Tail's eye.Additionally it makes Radiant Emerald translucent like it's Saturn counterpart. This makes the game look more lively and colorful than it did before, as well as more accurate to the Saturn version. Sega Saturn Style Colors - A mod that fixes and restores vertex colors.RemoveStrays - A fix for various graphical bugs tied to how the game maps textures for the user interface.

ADX Music - A mod to use more efficient looping ADX format audio for music instead, opting for improved version of tracks from the Sega Saturn version in some cases.Some of the featured mods are included with Sonic R Updater.