
Hoi4 germany focus tree
Hoi4 germany focus tree

hoi4 germany focus tree

Hoi4 Germany Focus Tree Historical Order Hoi4 Germany Focus Tree Historical Order. Looked at the NF for Germany and it doesn't seem to have the normal condition that the target be independent or even existent. Join Axis by either focus (German Ally) or via diplomatic interaction (better odds if Germany already at war) Good relations, fascist ruler and non-historical mode boosts chances of Germany picking "Befriend Czechoslovakia'. (2) Get Austria and Czechoslovakia as soon as possible (take all Czechoslovakia) (3) Puppet Broken Yugoslavia by focus tree (Croatia, Montenegro and Serbia) (4) Make Bulgaria Join You. EDIT: Added pictures for more clarity as I gen. NOTE: This strategy is very, very unhistorical and takes advantage of the AI’s innate retarded-ness. I know dustin is really good with germany (since most of his videos are done with germany), so maybe he knows how to beat uk, but dont have a lot of idea how uk works.

Hoi4 germany focus tree